Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oh hello there, 2010!

So far so good, the year's off to a great start. Despite initial efforts to avoid facebook, now that I've set up a group, it's proving to be an awesome method for keeping friends up to date with bike and build news. I couldn't have asked for a better way to start the new year. Not only am I reconnecting with friends, but I'm spreading the word about this incredible organization and our efforts to provide affordable housing for America. I'll be channeling all that good energy into affecting positive change this summer. Just thinking about it gets me all giddy inside- picture a kid in a candy store.

So let's talk about training. I mean, this is a pretty epic adventure. It wouldn't be smart to just hop on a bike and go without some prior long distance rides. I've been pedaling on a machine since my $80 pink-craigslist-road-killer is locked up safe and sound, and out of reach in Stuyvesant Town, NYC. Granted, the machines get the job done, but I am looking forward to having a legitimate road bike to train on.

Once the weather gets a bit more inviting, I'm hoping to obtain a permit to set my bike up in a high foot-traffic area where I will pedal all day, non-stop. Of course, it's just an idea now, but we'll see! Its a new year with endless possibility.

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